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Solar Storms What We Know And What To Expect

Solar Storms: What We Know and What to Expect

The Power of Solar Storms

Solar storms are powerful bursts of energy released by the sun. They can disrupt communications, damage satellites, and even cause power outages. The most severe solar storms can even pose a threat to human life.

Measuring Solar Storm Strength

Solar storms are measured on a scale of G1 to G5, with G5 being the most severe. The G4 solar storm that hit Earth in March 2024 was one of only three storms of that severity observed since 2019.

Effects of Solar Storms

Solar storms can affect technology on Earth and astronauts in space. They can disrupt communications, damage satellites, and even cause power outages. The most severe solar storms can even pose a threat to human life.

Preparing for Solar Storms

There are a number of things that can be done to prepare for solar storms. These include:

  • Having a plan in place for how to communicate in the event of a communications blackout.
  • Stockpiling food and water in case of power outages.
  • Protecting electronic devices from surges.
By taking these steps, we can help to minimize the impact of solar storms on our lives.


