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A Look At The Venues That Host Two Of North Americas Major Sports

The 11 Arenas That Are Home to Both NHL and NBA Teams

A Look at the Venues That Host Two of North America's Major Sports

From Boston to Los Angeles, these arenas are hubs for hockey and basketball fans alike.

In North America, hockey and basketball are two of the most popular sports. And while each sport has its own unique set of rules and traditions, there is one thing that they have in common: they are both often played in the same arenas. In fact, there are currently 11 arenas that are home to both an NHL and NBA team.

These arenas are located all across North America, from Boston to Los Angeles. And while they may vary in size and design, they all offer fans a unique experience. Whether you're a hockey fan or a basketball fan, there's nothing quite like watching a game in a packed arena. The atmosphere is electric, and the excitement is palpable. So if you're ever looking for a great way to spend an evening, be sure to check out one of these 11 arenas.
